VSS Datacom Ltd T/A Wight Aerials & Satellites Standard Conditions of Trading

1, In the following paragraphs the Company shall mean VSS Datacom Ltd / Wight Aerials & Satellites and the customer shall mean any person, company or organisation that places an order on the Company for the supply of materials and/or Services. All orders received by the Company for the supply of materials and or services will be subject to the following conditions that will form the basis of the Contract between the Company and the Customer.

  1. Except where standard bulk-rate prices have been negotiated between the Company and the Customer, the Company will assess each job and estimate for the work considered to provide the best quality reception of signals in the prevailing reception conditions. A further assessment will be made on completion of the work and further recommendation made where appropriate.
  2. Equitable and beneficial ownership of the goods supplied shall remain with the Company until full payment has been received,
  3. By accepting the supply of goods or services the Customer gives the right of access to the Company to enter upon the property for the sole purposes of carrying out the work ordered. The customer further gives Irrevocable right of access to the Company to remove such goods should the Company in accordance with the stated trading terms not receive payment. Where the property is not owned by the Customer it is the responsibility of the Customer to obtain such permission from the owner and the Customer warrants that such permission has been obtained. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Customer to obtain planning permission, should this be required, and the Company accepts no responsibility for the cost of removal/ re-siting of any antenna if this permission has not been obtained.

5, The Company undertakes to make good any damage caused directly to the property by the execution of the work under this order, provided the Company is notified of such damage and given reasonable opportunity to inspect the damage prior to repairs being carried out,

  1. The Company undertakes to maintain insurance cover against Public Liability cover for an amount not less than £2,000,000 in any one claim.
  2. The Company reserves the right to decline to carryout work which, in its sole judgement. is considered to be unsafe.
  3. The Company cannot guarantee the quality of reception, as this is dependent on factors outside its control. However, every effect will be made by the Company to ensure that reception obtained is as good as the prevailing local factors allow, The Company cannot guarantee against vandalism, gales, lightning. Call-backs, which can be rectified by the pressing of Customer accessible controls, are not covered by any warranties.
  4. The Company draws to the attention of the Customer the following recommendations of the BBC regarding the installation of UHF aerials in lofts, ” The television and radio transmitter networks have been carefully planned to make best use of the frequencies available. The plan assumed that a good aerial mounted OUTSIDE will be used for television or VHF radio in the home. Loft mounted aerials may sometimes be suitable for VHF stereo radio, but indoor aerials are never recommended for television’. In all cases the fitting of an aerial in a loft will adversely affect the quality of reception obtained. Although the Company will make every effort to obtain satisfactory reception it cannot guarantee the results from aerials so sited.

10.In general the Company will direct aerials toward the transmitter designated by the BBC and ITC to serve the area in which the property is situated. Where the Customer specifically requests reception from an out of area transmitter the Company will make every effort to obtain satisfactory reception but reserves the right to make a service charge if reception proves unacceptable.

11 The terms of any order to which these conditions relate shall in all respects be conducted arid operate in conformity with the Law of England and the English Courts shalt have exclusive jurisdiction to determine all questions or matters relating hereto or arising there from.

12, Any dispute under or arising out of any Order accepted by the Company which cannot be satisfactorily resolved
between the Company and the Customer may be referred to Trading Standards.
Either call, email or write* to us. The business aims to respond within 5 days of receiving your complaint and where
possible, will provide you with a date to remedy any issues raised.
Where the business is unable to resolve your complaint using the business complaints procedure,
We use Dispute Resolution Ombudsman for dispute resolution. in the unlikely event that the business cannot
remedy your complaint to your satisfaction you may wish to refer your complaint to them.
*please request proof of receipt if posting

13.Where an MAW, WAN or Satellite IF system has installed, the Company shall provide the Customer with a commissioning report to record the type of system, a description of materials used and the signal levels achieved at the headend and at the various points throughout the system.

14, Systems shall comply with all relevant Health and Safety Standards including BS EN 50083-1 and the SMATV Code of Practice. Where these Standards are not included in the specification, the Company shall advise the Customer on such applicable Standards

15.Any time quoted for delivery/performance is estimated and not a guarantee. The Company cannot accept responsibility for inconvenience due to cancellation/postponement of the said appointment due to circumstances beyond its control. This does not affect your rights, under the supply of goods and services act, to expect work to be completed within a reasonable time.

16.Digital terrestrial signals.

  1. a) Until the digital network is fully operational across the UK no guarantees of digital reception, by aerials Installed before that time, can be given.
  2. b) Where digital signals prove to be below the threshold recommended in the standard Codes of Practice, but the Customer is satisfied with the reception quality of sound and picture, then the Company cannot be held responsible for the maintenance of that quality under normal guaranteed terms. Should deterioration of reception occur for any reason other than a mechanical or electrical breakdown of the aerial equipment, then the Company reserves the right to impose service charges if the Customer requests further efforts.
  3. All invoices are due for payment on the 30th day of the month following the invoice date. Any invoice outstanding beyond this period will be referred to our collection agents and will be subject to a surcharge of 15% plus vat to cover the collection costs incurred. This surcharge together with all other charges and legal fees incurred will be the responsibility of the customer and will be legally enforceable.

18.M equipment will remain the property of the Company until paid in full,

19.In the event of non-payment an administration fee will be charged for the items listed below: –

£10.00-I-VAT for each letter sent, £25.00 + VAT for a stopped/bounced cheque, £5.00 + VAT for every phone call made to customer/contractor.

20.Warranty: – All goods are services provided by the Company carry a standard 1-year warranty, unless otherwise specified.